Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Did I miss anything important?

It an old saw but it’s true, you should have been here yesterday. Or …you pay a buck and play your state lotto picking five numbers and you hope to win big. The lotto comes and the guy in front of you draws the winning numbers, your boat came in but it was a submarine.

Play the horses, play the numbers, walk outside in a lightening storm with an iron rake. There are many things we all can hope for but Lady Luck always finds a home next door. Farmers hope for moderate weather, oil drillers hope to hit the big one and in all cases the word used is hope… rather a weak word for crossed fingers.

Having been slapped in the face thirty some years ago with something out of our control, many things that were important to us and to a few others became secondary. While we were trying to gain control the world continued to spin but for us we now held a different perspective. Now, in 2006 looking back on things I asked myself self , " What did we miss?" We hoped for the best for our little family but fate was steering our car.

The answer is nothing, we didn’t miss a thing. Maybe we gained a lot more than people when the fire is hot than those whose bounce along life without a road blocks to tip over. The next time you stub your toe think of it as a mild learning event. Then smile under your breath an as you swear inwardly!


At 8:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

all's well that ends well.
wm shakespeare


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