Tuesday, June 13, 2006

What are you selling? 6/13

Even the best of us have something that we are trying to peddle and I don’t mean a bike. Most people are trying to sell something daily in one form or another, selling vacuums, autos, insurance, food or even wellness. My mother use to sell World Book door to door. Her encyclopedias were filled with facts and ides. Later in life and I sold ideas for a living . Want to buy one?

At present I work part time at a golf course selling the idea that you are having a great time losing golf balls and acting if you are not frustrated in doing so.

Many people make a living selling pie in the sky and this takes many forms, be it land, limited partnerships, stocks (hi Matt), oil drilling programs or shares in thoroughbred racing horses. Here’s a question… how do you tell your accountant and or the IRS agent that you own the rear end of a horse and that you’d like to depreciate it?

But the most amazing thing is that for every sham there is usually a line of buyers standing in line to make an offer and "lose" a fast buck. There are dozens of off the wall deals most are shady at best. But every once in a while someone comes up with a truly honorable one like turning corn into gasoline.

Then there was the MAN that made water into wine. He and his followers had good intentions selling their line of thought that somehow got side-tracked many a time over the years. But through the test of time one good thought and one good deed can make many lights shine.
So what are you selling today?
Let’s hope it’s a smile!


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