Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Read the book…
I was finally was dragged to the DaVinci Code. What can you say that hasn’t already been in the papers or run through the sawmill? Well, here's mine... first Tom Hanks sure didn't look like Leonardo and second it’s been two thousand years since some event in a backwater town occurred that is still ringing bells today and caused a few hundred wars.

It’s also been 1600 years since a group of old men sat around and decided to come up with a book called the New Testament telling us what we should think about that long ago event. Then it was back another 4500 years when things started shaking and baking in the Old Testament.
Where am I headed with this?

What if they ALL got it wrong? In Brown’s book, (not related to Tom) the grail is a female, Mary M. Deal or no deal? Bite or no bite? So let’s take this a step further. The old folks in Israel kept shooting themselves in the foot when they got things wrong. This occurred once or twice every chapter, then God, he, would send them into bondage, flood them out and then hit them with sending hale and brimstone.

There I did it! I used the male name for God and that’s my point. Go further back to man’s real beginnings, the cave days, and in all probability they got it right. To them the creator was a female gender. She was mother earth, creator of all, a softer gentler persona. However, don’t tell that to the people blown out to sea in a tidal wave, nailed by Katerina or those rocked by earthquakes. She (Mother God) can be a real SOB.

So here’s my "Code"….. He or She is neither, just a big thing that pulling strings
and do you know what? I don’t care!

Our bus ride is a very short one and there is sunshine out side my window !
Just enjoy the day, have a nice ride for we will all know the truth before we know it.
Tomorrow? The lighter side, more tales from the fairway.


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