Thursday, June 22, 2006

AN EAGLE… and not on the golf course

Out on the lake right off our dock are floating a family loons, a mom, a pop and two fuzz balls, small chicks the size of your fist. A small wake trails behind them on the quite flat lake surface. Something is out of place. For the family is swimming tight together and the male loon is calling in alarm. Rightfully so… high above are circling a pair of eagles.

In the past dozen years the loons on our lake and elsewhere have been a lot more on the alert. Their main problem in the past was raising the chicks from eggs through the first four months. In the past it was raccoons and crows went after the eggs on the nest prior to hacking. They were the only threat for man had taken care of their biggest threat, the eagle. Our use of TDT had caused the eagle to fall off the map. And it got to the point where we couldn’t take pot shots at them.

But now the eagle is back and the loons now have to highly attend to their young through all summer’s growth period and into the fall. There is no more flying off to another lake to socialize or fly into town for a movie. Plus, you just can’t get a trust worthy chick sitter anymore.

Life is tough being a parent in this day and age.
So hats off to all Mom and Pops, keep up the good work.


At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hat's off to all parents but the FOOD CHAIN will persevere. Eagles and Northern need to eat too.

it's Mother Nature's Way.

packers feast on vikings bears and lions.

that's Holmgren's Way.


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