Friday, June 23, 2006

Musical Networks….

It’s like musical chairs…
Katie is going to CBS; someone on the View is going to sit in her chair jumping networks to NBC. Then someone who is on a morning show on one network is headed to another evening news flipping to PM and networks. It’s getting to be that you’ll turn on the TV have no idea which station you are on, what time zone or planet yyou parked your fanny on.

Brokaw hung it up, Rather hung it up and the major’ networks ratings at news time are in the tank. Some people don’t get it especially the stockholders at Time Warner with CNN headed so far to the left they have been running in circles chasing their tails.

I sometimes think the only way to watch TV news is to turn on the Tonight Show getting Jay Leno’s spin on things being able to laugh at our self’s. Not everyone wants dark news all the time. Believe it or not there are some really "good" news stories out here but that would require a little on their parts. Then did you ever notice that you can flip news broadcasts , station to station, and it’s the same story different reporter?
Yes there are other spins on the things esp. on Direct TV or cable but that means trying to find the remote and that’s a lot of work.


At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All which goes to show that in order get the real news, you have to log in to wobbin's blog. Anyone for investing in GNN - Good News Network?

At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What is the frequency, Kenneth?" That was the question posed over and over to Dan Rather as he was beaten on a NYC street some years ago. Believe he would rather not be there.

But what is this fixation on his career? Where were you on that fateful night?

There are many good news networks already in existence. Just wantch any 11pm news after an extended happy hour.



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