Monday, June 26, 2006


Several days ago we were on the deck having a night cap watching the loons swim by bidding the sun farewell. We, meaning a dear life-long friend who had brought her granddaughter east for summer camp. Our first daughter was named for her. Rosebud and I opened the chat up with Q & A time…. How is the family? Any luck selling the ranch? Then there are the obvious ones… How are the children? How’s your husband?

While these two very important ladies caught up on life since our last visit with one another, I became lost in the fact that these two were my sweethearts (other than my daughters and grand daughters). My friend was my first true friend who happened to be a female. As teens we shared many hopes and dreams but life came along and carried us in different directions.

Even today when things go amuck, I can call her and she sets me straight. When our daughter’s health was on the line and I was in the dumps, a simple call to her helped me turn things around up stairs. Few months later a true miracle happened and I knew once again that she had it right. There is no written law that a person of a different gender can’t be a one of your best friends.

Then there is really my best friend, Rosebud, the Mrs.. She knows what I am going to do before I do it…terrible problem but it’s kept me out of harms way more than once. So as the sun sat, I raised my glass and toasted two very special people… my sweethearts.


At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I know she usually doesn't read your blog, would you please make sure the Mrs. sees this special one?

At 5:27 PM, Blogger Up North said...


At 5:28 PM, Blogger Up North said...


At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't think of anything funny, sarcastic or mean to say about this blog. Comes from the heart and the soul. Nice job, friend>


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