Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Warren …. What were you thing?

So Bill Gates gets a check in the mail for $54 billion! That leaves poor Warren Buffet with only $12 billion to get by on in his old age living in Omaha. The whole state of Nebraska isn’t worth $12 billion. This deal is like John D. writing a check to JP Morgan then under table Morgan turning over his banks to Rockefeller. Then both gents writing off their entire estates as a charitable deduction. The road to hell is pave with poor suckers like our selfs.

Many say his SMALL gift is going to worth while causes… Come on now, that only leaves $12 billion for poor Warren to live on? I’d live in Omaha for just half the $12 billion. You could but New Zealand, Ecuador throw in the Ivory Coast and Cuba and still have change for a fleets of busses, make that Lear Jets.
When Enron moved from Omaha and headed south to Houston something else happened in that heartland town, a little insurance company with a talking lizard took over half the world. The Walton family have their hands on the other half and I don’t mean John Boy’s folks.

In short two good friends got together and exchanged wallets. That’s their side of the fence. On my side of the fence some days I have to dig in my change jar just to have enough for a cup of coffee. As for boat gas, I am doing a lot of rowing…


At 3:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What can you say about a guy that's got a couple of billion in loss change on his dresser.

At 3:56 AM, Blogger Up North said...

Look if the guy put his underwear on backwards in the morning, he's one of us


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