Thursday, June 29, 2006

A little fire wood…. 6/29
Here in the north it’s been a good 6 winters without our average of 48" of winter snow. For several years there wasn’t enough snow cover for the Illinois snowmobilers and they went elsewhere. As for April showers that bring May flowers, forget about it, zip and as I’ve mentioned before the lakes levels are way down. Call it a thirty-year cycle or fifty-year cycle but we as well as other parts of the country have lacked rain/snow or any other forms of moisture.

This real didn’t hit home till I started looking for dead trees to take down for next year’s fireplace wood. Once again I had my toy chain saw along with my younger brother who is spend some time up here helping us. As we walked the acres we both were dishearten at the amount of oak and birch that were standing leafless, dozen upon dozens of dead trees.

It didn't take long before my toy Mac saw went on strike and into town my brother went for me and came back with a real chain saw, a Hasquvana. (SP). The short of this story is that my brother once again went zonkers. He’s known for his intensity. There are now three to four years of wood on the ground that could heat half of Hazelhurst, (population 50,000) and we are only 1/3 of the way through cutting. But the real work is to come hauling, splitting and stacking. Maybe I could hire a few dozen fellows from places south or across the pond to help with the task, on second thought I need the exercise.


At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting how you took the time to think you didn't spell the chainsaw brand name correctly among the five other misspellings.

Hazelhurst? 50K population. Gee, who knew?

At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve, intense? Just so you know, he's so into this tree thing that he is moonlighting at another cabin about 4 hours south. As a matter of fact, tell Steve c'mon back, I've got another one for him to play with! Thanks.


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