Friday, July 07, 2006

A simple person’s view of the world…

There are some things that just can’t be changed or altered. And when that occurs only creative thinking can change the laws of physics. Just every once in a while someone with a little the brass has to step up and ask the driver to stop the bus. It’s headed for a cliff and the passengers are all asleep. Well, it’s not me at the wheel, but…

First there was Korea, then Vietnam, now Iraq. George W. hasn’t a clue, congress and both parties haven’t a clue and once again the media is pointing fingers in all directions. Since Muhammad climbed the mountain things have not been the same. It’s "my god is better than your god!" Thousands of people have paid dearly due to other people’s lack of judgement and loss of respect for one another’s viewpoints.

There are three things that have plagued man since he crawled from the cave… religion, politics and cash. Right now the Middle East as well as the major players are chasing their trails trying to gain leverage on all three of these. It’s nothing new, it’s been going on savage level for 16oo years. Who’s the top dog this year, this century? There is no policy or leader that’s going to change hatred or bigotry. It comes from within and to end it starts with each of us.

Here’s my simple solution to one of our problems, bite the bullet. We give each Iraq citizen $10,000 in IOU’s, pack our bags and leave. What we would be leaving behind is a dogfight. Iran, Israel and most of Europe would jump on the next plane headed into Baghdad to pick the bones clean. Civilization started in the Fertile Crescent. Let’s hope it doesn’t end there, but to some families it already has.

One last question… and why do we, the US, always have to carry the game whistle?
So much for boring political blogs, tomorrow boring natural blogs.


At 8:07 AM, Blogger Chet said...

In my opinion "Birch Bark Tales" doesn't sound to good. How about Tales of Birch. or Lemon Birch Tales. or Birch Cabin Tales. or the Birch and the Bark.

At 8:32 AM, Blogger buckybob said...

I have joked in the past about all the money we spend annually to just maintain our armed forces. It is beyond ridiculous. Somwthing like 18 billion dollars just to re-supply our forces. Just lets give that money to them, (buy them off) and bring our folks back home; We still spend 18 billion bucks, but save 2500 lives, (and counting)
The US is so busy pushing the rest of the world around, and naming the "axis of evil" that we dont even see that WE are the axis of evil ourselves. Its as plain as the nose on my face how awful we have become. I am sure that North Korea, and Iran are up to no good, and the Middle East world hates us for our big thumb-print there, but lets face it; we brought most of the hatred on ourselves. We have lost most of our "friends" in the world. Our alies are our allies because they need our ecconomical force to enrich their nations, but we are not friends. We have and continue to draw the line in the sand, and the world leaders have become like delienquent school boys trying to stare each other down, while the cream of our crop gets swept into the fires. Our enforcement of democrocey, has twisted our laws into conviluted chaotic chasm of endless enigma. We've enacted laws to seperate our association with God, abandoned the ten commandments, and bercame the United States of Gomorrah. For all the number of churches in this country, what have we learned inside them? We print "For God we Trust" on our money, but for what?

At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...religion, politics and cash?" what about women? sand wedge or 9 iron?

At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your reach is expanding since you've picked up a few wacko's. er, congrads?

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should be like the Brits and go after countries with minimal capacities as they did with Argentina in the Falklands deal.....

Next invasion target is Monaco. We will take over the Grand Casino.

They've been troublesome ever since Dodge discontinued the car model named after them.


At 7:40 AM, Blogger Up North said...

OK, I did a little airing out... it helps clear the head. This will not happen again for at least another two weeks. But it's getting to be who can do least amount of damage and not the greatest good. My grandmother had it right, "Go plant your own tomotoes."

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two weeks? Any possibility of extending that to maybe....another 6 months like in the dead of winter?


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