Thursday, July 06, 2006

Who were…..Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson.

Who is…. Mrs. Paul?

Who is…Mrs. Fields? And what’s so Famous about Amos.

Then there is Famous Dave’s for Rib’s, but if you don’t like ribs and aren’t from the upper midwest, who cares?

and what did Frick and Frack do that’s so memorable?

When I say Ford, who comes to mind? A car or an actor or a president?

All this leads to "if a tree fall in the forest and no one this there…etc."
The world is full un-useful questions and people that make it big for 5 minutes. But then what? It takes staying power. It’s like going on line to a blog site and getting hit between the ears with a feather hammer. Can’t hurt but what have you gained.

For six months I have been over turning new earth grubbing for worms, trying to find that one gem in the rough. I’ve learned that coming up with baked fresh daily is a task in itself. So for today, I sat down and asked myself "What would the Fryguy do?" just use an old platitude, dust it off and give it a different wax job.

So here we are with today’s blog and all of you will come away from it with…. "What in the world has he been into too?" Quite simple, the cooking sherry. See, another un-usefull question, asked and answered. Got go, a fishing date and the worms are fresh.


At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking for the "fryguy"..."huh"?

At 6:30 AM, Blogger Up North said...

Someone has to, it's been weeks since a sighting... maybe he's been kidnapped by some banditos.


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