Friday, July 14, 2006

The new wood pile…

It’s back better than ever. Finally after three weeks of cutting slitting and hauling firewood I can safely say we have enough, more than enough. Maybe three to four years worth., enough to get me to the point in life where they admit me into the home.

There is one problem our new chain saw doesn’t have a shut off switch nor dose my younger brother. Seems he has this thing for half dead trees and our new Husky chain saw. In our back 20 acres there isn’t a half dead tree standing … mother nature couldn’t find a better tree harvester. Our family of wood pecker will have to find a new territory grubbing for a living.

There is another 5 years burn of wood that he’s leveled out back and speaking of back mine is really in pain from hauling the stuff. It’s either I hide the new chain aw, he gets hired by an out of state firm, or I find him a new "problem to solve", like what are we to do with all the brusch that's he manufactured.

I shouldn’t complain for his labors for it's delighted our chip monks that have now laid claim to our new hi-rise condo wood pile and our springer dog who stands guard for them.


At 8:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an occasional reader, I note that much discussion is made on your family of chain saws. Mac, the dysfunctional (and cheap) saw and now Husky the heavy duty. Can't wait for the next post on saws in the Stihl of the night.

I have forwarded on some of the material to Tobe Hooper in the event he is contemplating a "Hazelhurst Chainsaw Masacre".


At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Now you (and all of us) understand why you're an "occasional" reader.

To: Up North

Since your photo depicts a waterskiier attempting to do just that...water ski, I suggest you occasionally blog about water activities on Lake Seventeen.

Otherwise, you need to update photo of you with several chainsaws ala Freddy K.

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Up North said...

All is safe, our blades are dull

At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Props to younger brother with the CSA [chain saw addiction]. It's good therapy for the soul. Be happy, Up North. Now it's time to R-I-C-E the injured back---unless, of course, it's a sunny day and you're on the greens.


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