Wednesday, July 12, 2006

In the distance…

Your mind is a wonderful tool. It stores things from the past both past and present... here' one, our small lake is 3 miles from the main north –south highway for the state of Wisconsin.

As a kid you could every once in awhile hear the rumble of a passing auto. The faint sound would rumble through the trees and just be audible to the ear. To the west of us are wooded ridges and not much else. As a lad in the summers I could hear wolfs baying at the moon through our open windows. But over the years one sound drove away the other. It seems Detroit can produce more autos than Mother Nature can produce wolfs. AS the years past so did their calls but not the rumble of semis and autos all headed in a hurry to no where.

About every twenty years our state government seems to get something right. Yes, they have a history of shooting themselves in the foot especially the Department of Natural Resources. A dozen years back the DNR reintroduced wolfs to northern Wisconsin and laws about not shooting our four legged friends.

Yes, there still is the rumble of cars in the distance but on some quite nights I can even hear the call of our new friends way in the distance (only interrupted once in awhile by the sounds of a medical helicopter)


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