Friday, July 21, 2006

Where am I today? … part 3 ½

I am sitting on the sofa, I’ve got one hand on the keyboard and an eye or two on the British Open Tournament.

I quite can’t get things straight about the British and labels. For some reason golf was first played and developed in Scotland but the Brits claimed it as their own as they did Scotland. So where golf first originated so did another gift the Scots give the world…. Scotch Whiskey.

So this is today’s subject, Scotch! As a lad my grandmother, Claire, when staying with us would always ask me to fix her a nightcap, a good strong Scotch on the rocks. As the years past the medication didn’t, she even asked me to step it up to a double. Dear Mimi as she was called lived to be 94 and hadn’t lost a thing up stairs when she past on. Her label was Johnny Walker’s Black Label, no a bad choice, mines the cheapest stuff in the store.

Yes, this is family history which I am further boring you with….but as the British Open rolled along today I went to our booze cabinet and hauled down several bottles of the Scottish product by J&B and Cutty Sark. I know they are a blend and not the top - top brands but…

Right there on the labels was another affront to all Scots who blow into the pipes and wear kilts. Each product is only allowed exported from Scotland by appointment by her royal majesty. These appointments were to London wine merchants housed on St. James Street London were made in the 1600 and 1700’s cutting off the boys in Glasgow.

If I were Scotland I’d tell her majesty to switch to port wine and leave the game of golf to Scotch drinkers and it's export. So, here’s to my grandmother who knew the value of a good Scott, she married one twice removed.


At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the name "Brown" Scottish

At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here's to those who are related to Pirates.


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