Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Where am I? taking a day off... part 5

You do it every day, it’s more automatic than brushing your teeth. No I don’t mean that.. You’re going someplace, you’re out and about. Walking? Are you kidding? It’s the car were talking about. Getting from Point A to Point B (hi Brian). " It’s nice ride, or ten years ago…"Great Wheels!"

Where am I today? That’s a very good question. We are down the road headed to someplace that we really don’t need to go cause we were there just yesterday. We waste more time, energy and cash by just not thinking ahead. But worst of all it gets to be a habit, not thinking ahead and jumping in the car just to jump in the car. I admit I am one of the worst offenders. I am in the middle of a project and I forget this and that at the hardware store, (once again), it the forth trip to Ace to change a simple faucet.

Take yesterday, please. I’ve got a boss at the pro shop who every other day changes the work schedule. So I was planning to open the Golf Pro Shop for the day meaning 5:30 shape getting things ready for the first golfers. Shaved and showered I head down the road to work with one eye open.

A mile from the course I glance down and notice I had left the shop keys at home, back I head. I rush in the house waking everyone pick up the keys and now speed back.. . a little late.
I pull in the lot and there I find a fellow employee had the place open for business. He’d changed the work schedule the day before… he’s as disorganized as I am so the key two phases that I am working on are "PLAN AHEAD" and "Trust but Verify".


At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many parts are there to this story?

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Up North said...

ONE... then we will make some history on August 5th


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