Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Dial Down…
I swore that I’d near get an air conditioner for our lakeside cabin… that was several years ago. Two weeks later I was eating my words. We were in the middle of a heat wave and the humidity was pouring off the both of us. Our knees buckled and we high tailed it to an appliance store and picked one up just in case the heat wave returned.

Over the last few years we’d had many a just in case and they are getting to be more and more times when we’d hit the on button. Dang’ it’s hot this summer! I know as we get older we start to lose it, memory that is, but I don’t recall a hot spell that lasted as long and that’s taken the starch out of so many areas of the country.

Up here in the past when a heat wave hit some people would sit in their air-conditioned cars to break the spell but with gas prices, no way. The only other out was to hop in the lake sit in an inner tube with a cold beer in hand. Us northern folks are just not use to sweaty pitts.

I am very sorry that in early blogs this year I complained about cold weather. Shame on me, never again!

Last night our neighbors in Minnesota sent us over a cool front. I take back anything I ever said about gophers.


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