Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A belated thank you, it’s better late then never.

As we stumble through life there are times when the mind take a vacation from the real world. The fog sets in and we forget ourselves. It happens all the time but the problem is that most of the time we don’t realize that we are in a blank state of mind.

I did it again this past weekend. We were at a friend’s daughter’s wedding having a good time, ( way to good a time) when age and a scotch or twoooo to many caught up with me. My dear Rosebud saw the black space between my eyes. It was over time to leave, well over time.

Needless to say she drove home and I awoke the next morning not with a hangover, but a worse feeling. Like I forgot something… and I knew what it was… I had forgotten to give a best friend a slap on the back, a look in the eye and to say thank you for including us among his friends and guests.
So to Fred and the rest of the world… thank you for putting up with me!

There, now a fraction of my past sins maybe forgiven, time to commit a few more.


At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's commendable that you hurled yourself on your cyber literary sword. Lest you be too difficult on yourself, we all owe Fred a great deal of thanks for the wonderful events surrounding the wedding.

I am certain the opportunity will arise soon and often to thank him in person and perhaps purchase a refreshing adult beverage (or two) for him in partial repayment for the 6.2 million drinks he paid for this past weekend. After all, he will need your friendship and support most when he opens the MCC invoice which will most probably be arriving by common carrier as the post office, fed ex and UPS have weight limits.


At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Fred for the best party ever hosted at MCC! Awewsome job , Nik.
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald.


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