Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The correct prespective...

We’re talking view-points here. Yesterday we did some rocking at a friend house. Sitting in his living room we were sitting in rocking chairs watching a SCI-FI movie as half the world went by in twenty-foot boats. Our friend lives on a point on a very busy chain of lakes. Meanwhile, the other half of the world was busy blowing the hell out of itself and the other half trying to get out of an airport.

Everything was in motion even the SCI-FI flick we were watching. The movie plot was as follows... two different space creatures were chasing each other around inside a buried Aztec temple at the south pole. Each set of creatures hell bend on trying to rub one another out. ( sounds like the evening news) They only stopped every once in awhile to have lunch on a member of a human crew that got trapped trying to study the place.

Are you following this? We couldn’t for every once in a while some nice boat would run by and… and where were we?

This morning I was out in our so-called yard and I turned over a large rock… underneath it? Right, a colony of alien space ants and the plot thickens…. To them I was a huge threat, a big thing that intruded upon their daily routine. I.E. the plot of the SCI-FI movie condensed down to the simple act of turning over a stone, so there it is…it depends on which side of the rock your perspective is.


At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, fess up. How many Captain Morgans did you have?

At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you OK?

At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, Alien v Predator is entertaining. Much like the Truman - Dewey race but in color.

However, you guys need to upgrade your sci fi viewing. I would suggest that the library be amended with a copy of "Santa Claus versus the Martians" featuring a very young and precocious Pia Zadora looking eerily like a space Jon Benet Ramsey.

If you cannot handle a cinematic masterpiece such as that I would suggest the always popular "Plan 9 From Outer Space". One of Ed Woods' best directorial achievements. Also, Bela Lugosi's final role in that he died after filming one scene and they replaced him with Ed's chiroprator......

Stop looking at that trash and insect colonies and watch some quality video.


At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grrroan....and it's not even Labor Day yet. Based on today's blog, you're going to need a lot of babysitting for the next 8 months ahead.

At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sci-fi and Captain Morgans are not part of the healthy diet, Bud.

At 6:30 PM, Blogger Up North said...

With a knee replacement right around the corner Istill offer you folks a challange, once around the block, ready... get set, GO!
That's on all fours over the high hurdles... on your marks! No takers? I thought so. Or how about onw lenght of the pool? The pool being Lake 17, any takers? I thought not.

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howard said he could swim the entire length of the lake.....I believe that was the liquor speaking since he didn't pay on the bet. What a shock!

Now, on a lovely summer (what's left of it day) you're sitting in Fred's house watching a stupid Sci-Fi moving and complaining about boats going by. (Two grumpy old men in the balcony a la Muppets).

So, get off your sorry asses and get in all those boats and enjoy!!!


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