Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Chick report #1

They have done a fine job out there. The loons hatched their eggs and two chicks are on their way. Several months ago they were little fuzz balls riding on their parents backs.

The two adults would raise holy hell when something they thought might be after their young. In the mornings you could here their calls of alarm from around the lake. Late evenings we paddle out to greet them and see how they were doing. This is the quite time of the day with boat traffic at a minimum and other prey birds at rest. Crows and eagles are the ones that worry the Loons and the residents of our lake who worry for the loon chicks like a mother hen.

As it’s mid August the chicks are now mostly grown but are still easy targets for the eagles. At present they are learning all the tricks from their parents, diving, fishing for food and yesterday I heard their first faint calls. This is one of many benefits of being lakeside. The one thing I don’t miss is the lake weed harvest that MLC has to go through.


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