Friday, August 18, 2006

A hundred buck a barrel….
30, 40 then 50 but $100?

That’s where it’s headed! Crude as it maybe, oil drives the world. We do have our spikes in price and Ralph Exxon knows what he’s doing. And what are we going to do with outdated pennies? The copper in pennies is worth more than the penny itself. The price of copper has tripled as have the price my dentist is charging me for my fillings using some foreign material. Yes, I have a few extra holes in my head, must have been a metrorite.

How many times have you heard that we need an alternate fuel?
Not just crude oil but everything under the sun and possible the sun itself for it may go out in another 4 billion years, then what?

A hundred-dollar barrel is around the corner. However, some of us would gladly give a hundred bucks for the right types of barrel especially the type that comes from Scotland of even Lynchburg, Tennessee. A barrel of their finest, PRICELESS!

Then what we are talking about is the right perspective on things.
So how many of us car pool? Why walk when you can ride?
Mass transit? Are you kidding me, it’s for the masses not you or I.
But let's get in shape!
When it comes down to it just say no to that extra Krispy Crème! We all need more exercise. We could hire a goat to mow the lawn, drop a notch or two on your belt by heading home before the bar closes. Why not walk the next 18 holes and save a golf cart or I’ll see you in cardiac rehab. However, I have an excuse, a bad knee, what's yours?


At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You probably just called the top!


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