Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Bird Season… 9/ 12

There is a sharpness in the morning air, moisture in the slightly turning leaves. Each morning our English Springer really gets a bouncing on our morning walks. You can tell that it’s her time of the year. Time to case after upland birds.

Woodcock and grouse are the main birds that live in our back lot. They are there all summer quietly living on the fat of the land and on our morning summer walks do think our springer would get in the hunting mode? Lord no.
She’s a stick, rock and golf ball hound. Birds are the furthest think on her small mind. But in someway or another certain dog breeds flip on their fall hunting mote switch no matter how badly they were trained as pups. Our dog was a shelter dog four when we saved her from a fate I don’t like to think about. So this time of year scents drift in the air catching her attention and bingo up go their ears and its off to the races.

This am Katie (the dog) and I took our morning walk along the lake shore. Above the mist the early morning sun was bouncing rays off several of the tree branches that have just started turning to their fall colors. When we left the house the temp read 45 and there was a slight nip in the air. Usaully Katie turns over stones and messes around with small sticks, not this morning. There were strange new sniffs in the air. Ahead through the mist were strange small sound of aminals, up like us out on the town early.

Vision was only several yards for the mist was thick lakeside. Then as we rounded a bend two large antlers shown above the mist line. A large buck almost meet us head on. Katie would have non of it and off she went chasing the buck up into the woods. I tried calling her back but… then thought she ‘d be home dinner time but as I called she returned, amazing! She’s learning who feeds her, the boss man.

Later, we left the lake and walking into the woods looking for other big game, lions and tigers. Ahh, this nature stuff is grand.


At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, ever since you started rescuing canines there have been several closures in the chinese restaraunts in Onieda County. (They have a different definition of "wok your dog".)

When you mention "there were strange sniffs in the air" was that just a general natural occurance or perhaps was one of the walkers recovering from a night at The Watering Hole?

PS Katie didn't obey you, it was just the buck scared her more.



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