Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A big fan… and I don't mean the width of your seat...9/13

There is nothing better than cheering on your favorite team(s) during a football game. It doesn’t matter what side of the field you are sitting on or what schools colors they are wearing. Here enters the problem, I generally cheer for both sides. It’s a genetics thing for me. My Pop would do the same thing. He’d sit in the stands with us and cheer on both sides making the people around us think that he had a screw lose.

I remember many a game in Iowa City where Pop would cheer on the Illini then cheer for the Hawkeyes driving home town people nuts. But that was my Dad… he had good reason to be multi-team orientated. My Dad attended to two different colleges, the University of Missouri and U. Cal Berkeley. Both of these schools were known for something other than their power house football programs. It’s as true today and all the way back to the 30’s.

Dad’s course of study was journalism and upon graduating he went to work as a sports writer. To be a good sports writer you placed all bias aside and looked at things objectively and Dad carried this with him in many ways. There wasn’t a bit of homer in him with one acception… Bradley University basketball.

His whole outlook and nature of things was not taking things "too seriously", looking at things from a distance. This outlook fell into my lap and fits very nicely. So if you see a person in the stands cheering both sides on, either the fellow is a sports writer or yours truly, a person with a split personality that should be locked away...until the stout lady sings.

and remember Chris it’s only a game! ...but 26 to Zero?


At 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SO true, SO true. Some would call it a lack of loyalty and dedication, I'll cut Robin some slack and chalk it up to his desire to be upbeat and not have to deal with the realities of sport - that you don't always get what you want - maybe applicable to more than the sporting life.


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