Thursday, September 14, 2006

A mixed stringer…9/14

It’s a mid September Sunday afternoon or was it a Saturday morning in August? We were out on the big water worming it with a mixed bag. The bag being my fishing partners or more like family. In general the we were two close friends, a son in law and a daughter whose married to my other son in law. Confused? It gets worse.

This is September when it’s quite a bit nippy in the morning, it’s not water skiing weather, more like sweatshirts and windbreakers. So rather than sit around and eat donuts all morning we stopped at the bait shop and picked up live bait rather than dead bait. The sales staff also suggested using minnows… so naturaly we went with the night crawlers.

So what’s out there? Fish of course and it’s walleye season so we went for smallmouth bass. My son in law is a big sports fisherman and knows the water of northern Minnesota cold cock but this northern Wisconsin. So what’s the difference other than the spellin’? You got to know the local waters…the when’s and the when nots.

The first hot spot wasn’t, it was luck warm. The same with spot two and three, there were fish but…. we were working with a new toy , an underwater TV camera, hi-tech, peek-a-booo. It was showing us what we were not catching.
Nice weeds! Great rocks…

Finally, our two guides, my good buddies had had it. "I’m bored" said Fred our pilot. "Me too." said Tom the guide. We were headed in and I talked them all into one last stop…

The smallies were packed in this spot just waiting for our arrival. They were jumping into the boat. Then Tom-moose hooks into a snag that starts taking his line out, this turned out to be Big Bertha, a 6 pounded!
Fish story you say? No way, we have pix and I’d post it here but… it’s Fred’s camera and he’s not talking .


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