Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Snagged… 9/20

It’s a double hitch that I tied. The knot is fail safe. You can’t bust it. Using 6 lbs. test line should assure you of at least a 20 pound fish. It’s through the hook eye twice then 6 wraps and then through the double loop, then pull tight. There is no way a fish can break this simple knot. The line will give before the knot breaks.

Last night I was in a hurry when I got home for there was just enough daylight to spend 20 minutes to see if some fish wanted to commit suicide. It was a very calm eve so I rapidly tied on a surface lure and with the help of my springer guide dog started along the shore fishing the lily pads. Third cast boom, the water boiled. Out went my line and lure.

Time to set the hook and snap the line went limp. A lost fish, how could that be? I hauled in the line got my glasses out and looked at the line end. Sure enough the line didn’t break… the knot slipped.

I looked further and could tell I had only taken the line through the hook eye once. So grandma was right… haste makes waste. We had hot dogs for supper, ever try and fillet a hot dog?


At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok I go the loop it through the hook eye twice, six wrap and then what double loop?

T. Brown

At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you were at least humane enough to stun the hot dog before cleaning it.

Note to self, don't go mountaineering with Brown - at least if he handles any of the lines.



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