Friday, October 06, 2006

Other friends…10/6

Four and eight legged types are what I am talking about. Today my springer dog started her fall training. If I have to get in shape after the surgeon’s knife then she has to get in shape for fall hunting. We spent this morning in a confined area, our living room.

We were working on commands.... stay, bang, fetches and come, give. I think you get the picture. This is work for the two of us but for successful bird hunting it has to be done often. Iowa peasant is not a matter of luck, it is knowing where to be at the right time, just like fishing.

It was Oct 2nd and the new knee when in. They said I couldn’t drive for 6 weeks but waqnt me to walk. What better way than to take the dog along with a shot gun.

It’s old dead eye, just ask the Fryguy and how Mr. Annie Oakley put a hole in the side of his garage, damn here his head.

So it’s animal training and this isn’t a first for me. We had a prior dog that I almost trained, and several g. pigs, pets of the kids that lives in a cardboard box and eats carrots. They wouldn’t quite mind me either.

I’ve only had one successful pet training once and that was with a mysterious little black ante that would come out at lunch breaks. It was when I was teen cutting grass at a cemetery and I would take a lunch break and sit at the same stop daily. I noticed that a large black ant would come out and sit on my lunch bag. This happened daily and one day I offered it a crumb. It took it ran to it’s hole and came back for seconds.

This happened for weeks on end. The little guy knew when I was coming and was they’re waiting to share lunch before the noon whistle blew. On the third day I put a white paint spot on his back so I knew him from all his cousins.
His trick would amuse some of my rather keened minded friend and lasted all summer till one day it (the ant) tried dancing with a lawn mower blade.


At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean Nancy didn't turn it into a chocolate covered ant?

At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back, cyberspace just hasn't been the same when you were away being sliced and diced like julienne fries.

I find it interesting that you call the ant your friend and note that your "friend" was summarily executed by a lawn mower. Now who was doing the mowing? Oh, of course, that would have been you....

Thank god you cannot operate a riding lawn mower for a while. Rumor has it some of your biped friends may be coming north soon.

As an aside, Iowa peasants (sic)are easy to shoot as they don't fly, cannot afford it on peasant wages. Those pheasants however are tougher.


At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god.

Six weeks of rehab, huh?


Nevermind, I hear the meds wear off after two days of discharge date.

Get the Captain!

At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much medication are you taking?

At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Successful bird hunting [jeez, that's a stretch, don't you think?], dog training, ant training [now we're getting somewhere!], the guy that can't shoot straight [sorry Annie O], new knee and tales from the cemetery.

Now this is what I call a successful random blog.

Welcome back.

And don't forget to be a successful patient. Take those meds.

The liquid kind.

At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You may recall that I was (ahem) working the cemetary too! I think we slept most of the time in the 55 Buick's backseat. But you were always an inquisitive soul. I just wasn't aware of the ant circus you were running.

Who knew?

Exactly what kind of medication were you taking then? And now?

At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you run out of the vicodin, which it seems you may, mom and i have some extra.


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