Friday, September 22, 2006

Each day is a Highlight… 9/22

As a kid you thought of another birthday with delight , presents, cake, family and friends. As an adult you look at them with an oh-well attitude, that there is nothing that can be done about them. They just seem to be coming a little earlier every year. As an OLDER person they seem to pile upon one another every other day. It’s like a lead ball rolling down a hill, they sure gain speed at the bottom.
To heck with birthdays they should only be for kids. Once you hit a certain age that’s it, pull the plug. However, this would put Betty Cocker and a few candle makers out of business.

Here’s an idea, lets cancel the name birthday after the age of 22 and rename it cake day. And why only have a limit of only one cake? There are other days of the year just as important as the day you were born.

There could be haircut day honoring the day you got for first buzz, that calls for a cake. There is tooth day the day you first went to the dentist reason for another cake. How about graduation day that could be at least three of four days per year…kindergarten, junior high, high school and when you got your Ph.D. that’s another four cakes.

Just think of all the highlights in your life that call for a cake. Ok, there goes my Blog of several days ago about turning over a new leaf and trying to get into shape. Maybe if we just cut back on the size of the cake(s) and have non-fat ice cream on the side we could pull this thing off. All in flavor say, I!


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