Monday, September 25, 2006

IT’S FINISHED !!!! 9 /25
Three years in the making and what others said could not be done, is, a hand build garage addition which is now a reality. At the start it didn’t look like much. I built it from rat-toothed lumber and other unwanted stuff. It really looked like Hoosierville or ‘this is the house that Jack built’ for very long time.

I followed the rule that old-world craftsmen work very slowly. It sat for awhile due to a lack of finishing funds but I hit it big at the LOT, Lake of the Torches Casino, allowing me to purchase another box of nails.

Now the eye sore isn’t… it’s sided, has a roof and doesn’t leak much. Amazing what you can do with outside help. Rosebud insisted that I hire someone who knew "exactly" what they were doing. But now comes the hard part, clean up.

Actually this project has been like all of my other attempts at doing something. It fell a little short of great exceptions. But it’s amazing what two gallons of paint can cover, a multi-number of sins. However, years from now when future generations take a look at my garage addition, they will wonder…What in the blue blazes was great, great grandpa thinking?
Anyway so be it, the damn thing is done.


At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Paulie


At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's this about two gallons of paint??? Did you drink it? You had the thing sided with vinyl siding!!!

At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's this about two gallons of paint??? Did you drink the paint/? You did side the garage with VINYL siding, didn't you???

At 3:50 PM, Blogger Up North said...

Two gallons of paint ...had to waste down the Capt. Morgsn with a chaser

At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on, you bought the garage from Mr. Haney and Eb painted it - right? We've seen that floor plan in the Hooterville home tour.


At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone taking bets as to how long it's filled up with so much stuffs that one of the cars is (again) left out in the cold?

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Up North said...

I lied! It's not finished... it's minus one garage door, I 've got to have one thing the Mrs. can get one my case about. I've got to have one target that she can take aim at.


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