Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Cutting to the quick… 10/10

Ya, ya I missed a Columbus Day posting, the banks and post offices were closed anyway

But I was away from our place for 5 days plus a few more. It was a bright sunny morning as we left driving out our road then down the town road. All the tree leaves were ablaze, it was almost blinding. We were headed south and were away for some time. Upon returning we found littered all those colorful leaves which are now a dirty brown which are now all over the place.

Wasn’t it just last week (or last year) when I sent you a blog about leaf piles? How in the world can a year fly by so fast? I didn’t even get half of Rosebud’s Honey Do list finished.

Then looking ahead time wise it will be time to set the clocks back and lose another hour. So where did that year and one hour go? It's lost someplace. Didn’t Einstein have a theory about time compaction? (Ralph Einstein that is) It’s not only me but I’ve heard others comment on the fact that the world is spinning faster. Fast time and spinning? So8nds like Whitmans' Friday nights. So what’s that got to due with the price of gold? Everything! that is everything is relative or is it one of your relativeswhich is holding a golden pot and you’re sdtanding there holding a bag of animal waste.

Where is this headed? Glad you asked! most different departments of science only look at the "SMALL" picture… It’s up to us small fry to look at something that’s so simple that it effects many other things in our little world.
Just think of all the things that would be cleared away…by a change of attitude.

I.E. take Leap Year…. If we all forget about the extra day in that fourth year, what would it mess up? Nothing!
Let’s pretend it’s not there and forget about it. Then all calendars from year to year would be the same saving confusion. Plus we'd make New Years, Christmas and the 4th of July fall on three day week ends. We then would have calendar watches that wouldn’t need resetting; yearly calendars that would not have to be thrown away nor changed.

There is a ton of other stuff that we could forget about by not thinking about it. This is called the simpleton’s worldly view. I am proud I it have and I have not reset my calendar watch date in several years! (lost the instructions, again)


At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last I heard, when you set the clocks back you gain an hour....yea, another hour with the Capt.

At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course the elimination of leap years mean that there will be significant seasonal changes in - say 320 years. Snow skiing in summer and the like but who cares, it won't be our problem. Perhaps with the exception of you - you are obviously on the Steve Austin, Six Million Dollar Man plan getting parts swapped out at regular interval. At least you are taking it at a more leisurely pace than Steve did and you also don't make that annoying noise everytime you use a bionic part.


At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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