Monday, October 16, 2006

So they were wrong….10/16

Go ahead, it’s a cakewalk.
That’s what several people told me, go ahead have your knee replaced it’s easy, sure.

Crud, it’s been two weeks and it’ still a pain in the knee or someplace else. Maybe in several weeks I’ll be able to sleep at night and hobble around without cussing’ over a dull pain. So with that said and having downed half a bottle of pain pills maybe just maybe all of the advise I have been given over the years is about as bad as standing "knee deep" in a hog pin.

It first started in school with a guidance councilor telling me that I should go on to college and I should look at engineering at Purdue U. I think the guy was legally blind and couldn’t see my grade transcript. Designing collapsible bridges, unflyable aircraft or easy open jar lads just didn’t seem in the cards.
Thankfully I listened to my parents and the guidance guy lost a kick back from P.U.
Next stop was my freshman college room mate. First week of school he had talked me into everything. Let’s join this club and that organization and let’s rush a fraternity. Classes, studying, the basics forget about it he forgot about it.
So I did. There was flying club out at the airport, than I pledged, was a staff member of the yearbook, all the good stuff, classes? I could catch up with school work later…wrong.

This trend of listening to everything and everybody but the little voice inside lasted many a year, I mean there were get rich schemes that were just to good too pass by. How about a limited partnership in an oil drilling program?

OK, I admit decades later that it was easier to roll the dice as a young lad than as an old frat. To bad that they can’t go after outsider traders, fish on, set the hook.


At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I conclude you're pissed! Just remember, with each passing day the knee will get better. I can't say your disposition will.

Want some advice? Nevermind.


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