Monday, October 30, 2006

Booo 10/30

Where’s the fun in Halloween?
It’s shocking and like everything today, its sugar coated.
Moms and dads accompanying their kids on the door kocking rounds in 'safe neighborhoods', where is the fun there?

There was a time when trick or treat meant something. That something was very similar to ye olde England when a highway man asked you to
"Stand and deliver!"
Another words fork over the good stuff and I don’t mean candy apples or cinnamon bars or else.

Back in the day a part of every kids Halloween kit was a bar of soap, a few dozen eggs maybe even a roll of TP and not an adult supervisor. The TP was used for something else than it’s main purpose. I think with each generation things have tamed down a bit. I can remember my dad telling me of the times they hit the streets in Peoria on Halloween and the main targets were a thing called outhouses. In his day they were still in use around the outskirts of town and over they'd go.

Fast forward to my generation’s youth, the place, the rolling hills of East Davenport Iowa… here the great Halloween night sport was lining up metal garbage cans in the steep curvy alley ways. Then listening to some resident drive their cars into the alley nailing the cans. The cans then would roll down the hills making a terrible racket and cause the residents to swear under the breath. The noise would echo through the night, oh the great sport of it.
Now today if I were one of those homeowners I’d be p.o’ed.

Living out on the lake away from town and the masses, I really miss all those little goblins who use to ring our door bell.
It was another day in our life’s calendar as are the four seasons…
Stand and delivery or I’ll soap your windows.


At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, your father was actually a nice kid. I know people who would move the outhouse back about three feet. That led to a much worse discovery by the owner if they used it at night. I have heard of cow tipping as well but having never received a bill from a cow didn't see where I would tip them.


At 7:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go soap Chris's windows. Or, paint polka dots on the jump. Or, better yet, take a road trip.


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