Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Cast for vote into the wind… 11/7

Thankfully we are past the election. And frankly Scarlet, I don’t give a damn. Which crooks are in office really hasn’t effected our country in the past hundred and forty years. I know some of you take this politically thing seriously. But come on…(Ok, once or twice we had a yoyo in office, Mr. Carter couldn’t tie his shoe laces)

Over the past five weeks we were hit with a mess of negative ads… I didn’t see one candidate put a positive spin on things. All were throwing rocks once again. So what’s there to do? Turn off the TV and listen to some CD’s for the radio is also jammed with negative thoughts.

Issues are a thing of the past only mud make the difference. Take some soil, add water, and stir until juicy then fling it! It doesn’t matter how much or where, throw enough and some is bound to stick.

Blue states, red states, pink states, purple states… I not stay up into the wee small hours to see if my chad counted, no way. For we all know that Wall Street has discount the election three months ago and is getting along fine, thank you and so I am I… it’s my new positive attitude in which I have tatooed on my forehead, "I don’t care!"


At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So tell me...what's REALLY bothering you?

At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ease up, Rhett. This too shall pass.

At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are past the election tomorrow maybe. And with lawyers waiting in the wings to service the sore losers (think fees dude) and media with more ad revenue (you should know about that you old ad goat!)--well, it could go on and on and on.

There must be some Whitman's Wisdom to it. You need to go there and report back. "There ya go!"

At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got it, the real winners are all the media who months ago couldn't sell spots and for the last three weeks it was solid mud cakes. Next come the Tide detergent commerical to clean things up a bit

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that the gas will pass -- the swelling will go down -- the tiredness will turn into a blazing vitality and -- Fred Hunt will return to the Northwoods. All about the same time.


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