Thursday, November 16, 2006

A 12,000 Dow Jones?
Where are we headed? 11/14

Are you long, short or indifferent? Me too, am sitting on the fence.
Where to hide the coin jar is a problem these days. I tired the mattes but the dog was hiding under the bed.

At one time I was into to everything that was thrown at me by my advisers. Each one had its merits (the suggestions not the advisers) and risk factors which were set in 4 point typefaces, very unreadable. So in we jumped headfirst but the pool was 2 feet deep, talk about brain damage after hitting the bottom.

Now that I am an old fart and no longer in my right mind we hired another financial consultant. It’s one of those if we win he wins and if we lose, well let’s not go there.

As semi-senior citizens we have to watch our nickels and dines. For as Rosebud told me, "No more buying gold mine stocks in the Antarctic." But how does one put on the brakes and look at the up sides, I mean the real up sides.
After laying many an bomb, our nest egg is the size of my you know what.
I asked one of my brothers and got his responce in return...
"That is a very good question."

So in this day and age where does one place his or her fortune cookie? There seems to be two thoughts out there, the Ying and the Yany. The donut or the hole?
We are talking mid-term here for the only thing that’s short term is a friend’s Napoleon complex and the only long term thing is the mess in Iraq.
The Dow is over 12,000 and it’s way to little late to get in on the ground floor unless you are a player, a hit and run person.

As for me, am into sawdust futures, pass the chain saw. It’s such a grand idea to turning the stuff, wood chips, into E-gasoline just as Iowa is turning corn into bacon via the gas tank. To go along with that I'll have two over easy and burn the toast, please.


At 7:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buy a tavern. At least you, and you alone possibly, can consume your investment.

At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about teaming up with Winger and opening a battery shop in back of Darlings? or...running for Hazelhurst town treasurer? or buying 49% of Howards deal? or... buying Whitmans and build a new Church closer to the Lake? or... sell those snowmobiles and buy three ATVs? or...get a machine and cut down Poplars? Open a Walgreens? I got it!!! Charge all users of your blogsite

At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Church by the Lake" sounds best combined with the tavern [heaven] above.

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a snow cone booth at the north pole? Those little elfs would go nuts.


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