Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Work outs~ 11/15

I’ve been at it hard and heavy for a good 2 weeks now. I mean one hour and half drills. Arnold would be proud. First, there is 30 minutes on the bike doubling the heart rate then grabbing some water and heading to the work out machines. One day it’s for lower body the next day it’s the topside. Why you ask? Good question.

My primary goal was to walk with out a limp; the second is to quite looking like a blimp, which rhymes with limp, which rhymes with gimp…next the you know you’re a whimp.

I have this photography that’s on my deck and it’s of four amigos’ (sp) of which I am the oldest. These are 4 buddies from teenville days. All four of us look like we should be committed to the nearest home. So I made a promise to myself…. self , you ugly piece of left over turkey stuffing, you need to shape up.

It’s as simple as that, making a promise to yourself and having the boilerplate to keep at it. If I can do it so can those three other slugs. Yet it’s only been two weeks, I am gunning for 12 and I would bet against it.

After the first three days I said, "this is bull." I couldn’t bend over to take my shoes off, sore wasn’t the word for it. But now after 2 weeks I think I can keep at it. Plus seeing I’ve got no clock to punch, no pressing engagements and there is nothing to stop me from working out accept a nice warm bed in the am. Maybe come February when it’s –10 my lead bottom will have a problem getting in gear.

However, if gravity sets in I’ll let it…rolling down hill to the sunny south, please pass the sun block and golf tees.


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