Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tis’ the season, which one? 11/14

Are you all ready? The gun is about to go off and the shoppers are into the blocks. The race for holiday shopping started last week with a blitz of TV ads reminding us that there are only 580 days to Christmas.

At present the major players are once again reconsidering their name for the season. Is it " Happy Holidays" or should it be "Merry Christmas"? Last season the chief muckety mucks put the pressure on mass merchant’s and Christmas got axed for as they said, "We can’t afford to offend anyone of another conviction." So what kind of conviction were they talking about?
Well, last year this metality was a sales bust, a very Blue Christmas season at the cash register.

Not to worry for the mental giants have now allowed us all to reuse the word Christmas this season. Where is all this headed? to the same place that many of us were last year , the inter-net and not shopping malls. For some reason the big brass up stairs just don’t get it.

So where am I headed?
to the woods of course.

This weekend and that of Thanksgiving week is not and I repete NOT the beginning of the shopping season here in Wisconsin. To the majority of folks here, it’s a dash of blaze orange and the start of Deer Gun season. It’s time to be out in the hunting shack passing gas with the boys, break out the cards, brandy bottle and wool blankets.

Whose deal is it? …yep, tis’ the season.


At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya Ya Wisconsin. While de boys go play in da woods, da gals will be in the shops buyin' the presents for the family and for da ones you should be shoppin fer. And then, while you are still in da woods, they will be at those deer widows bars havin the time you wish you were havin..

At 2:10 PM, Blogger Up North said...



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