Monday, November 20, 2006

I am legal!!!! 11/20

I was told that I couldn’t drive a car for six week after receiving a new knee. Ha, no way. I cheated and have been driving for the last 4 weeks but please don’t tell the kids. As a parent you try to set an example for them to follow.

Let’s see… looking upon all my brothers, friends and family I would say that many of us have stubbed our toes. Sure two drinks and I can drive home or was it three of four? Hay you can’t run a boat wide open through the Minocqua Lake Tomahawk channel at night with blinders on. And come April 15th, isn’t $200,000 in itemized deductions a little high?
It’s the old… "Am legal till I get caught deal"

Ok, so I admit this is the first thing that I’ve done wrong since getting busted for speeding 25 years ago. Unlike Jimmy Carter I didn’t lust in my heart… the only thing in my heart was a little too much acid reflux.

I didn’t keep to many fish over the limit last summer.
And the only thing I have a problem with is my F----ing language.
So as for my illegal driving while under the influence of painkillers, so was America’s hero, Mr. Farve.

It’s now been six weeks and I am driving better now than when I was an over the road semi driver… and that was frightening. Beep beep!

By the way Mr. Buffet’s life story is on TV tonight that’s Warren not Jimmy is on CNBC at 7 pm.
What a guy! Warren that is not Jimmy.
He gave $31 billion to Bill Gates? The blind leading the blind


At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's no more frightening that Stevie Wonder going out for a spin in an M1 tank.

Wow, you really were out of it if you thought you were in the thoroughfare running "wide open" instead of operating a car. The fact that you can still type is a good thing given some of these ramblings under the influence of god knows what opiates.

As far as giving a good example to the kids, this is right up there with the Menendez kids upbringing. (Never heard about Lyle and Erik's father driving on pain pills, though.)

Also hope that no IRS agents happen across your posts. Perhaps there is an insanity defense in errors in filling out the old 1040. (If so there is hope for the whole group.)


At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, what's happening up north, upnorth?

At 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So THIS is what you're like OFF the meds.


The Coleman kids need to intervene here. Why are they so quiet?

Are there ANY known relatives that read this blog?

At 9:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're legal?

This from the man who proudly proclaimed he was fully developed at thirteen?

What gives?

At 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be afraid.

Be very afraid.

At 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There may be relatives who read the blog....but some of us are related by choice. I'm not too sure what that says about their state of mind. In my upbringing, the in-laws were taught to keep their mouths shut in matters regarding the out-laws. So, in my book, the whole Coleman clan is a bunch of outlaws.

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I shake my head in amazement everytime I read Robin's blog. How could I possibily be related to such an incredible thinker! Where does he get his ideas for the topic of the day? It's a bit scary for us who share his blood line,,,

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Up North said...

Don't worry family! Three years ago while on a quite walk on a rain day lightening struck and my negatives went to positives and visa visa. So in the short term of things everything is long (almost).

At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I rest my case.


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