Thursday, November 30, 2006

Late November, it sucks! …. 11/30

It’s called planning. My father-in-law had it nailed. When ever he and his wife would venture down the highway even if it was to the next county all was in order. Nothing was left to chance. There wasn’t a detour unknown. Gas stops, lodging and meals were all planned out, logged and color coded on their travel journal.
He was his own Triple A.

On the other side of the coin was my father would jump in the car with bag in hand. If you were not a step behind him you’d be left on the curb. With him the open road was just that,
"What adventures are around the corner? Let's go see." was his credo.

So this is where the two of us come from. We, Rosebud and I have two different view points even if it’s just a trip to town. Thankfully, over the years some of the both of them has rubbed off on me as well as has the experiecne of six week of semi driver school and 2 years pushing big rigs. A semi isn’t like a car, you just can’t put it into reverse and get out of a pickle if you’d make a wrong turn. You planned ahead and still sometimes find trouble on the road.

So now we are planning a tour of the south for the spring. I for one want a little surpisre ending at day’s end. However, getting stuck in Chicago or Atlanta rush hour isn’t the surprise we’re after. So, I’ve been "trip planning" looking into to things like which motels will take in our dog and what sites missed on proir trips.

You may say I have a little time on my hands now that we are in the tweener time of the year, November, it's a bummer, the Pilgrims should have stayed on board or headed to Miami Beach


At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...some of both of them have rubbed off on me." No wonder you're confused. Sad, it's really sad.

At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Based on the weather map, I'd stay north for a while.


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