Thursday, December 14, 2006

Octane 12/14

The gas pumps in Iowa have 3 selections of gas. There are three octane levels, meaning… low, medium and high, that’s prices as well. From station to station the gas pumps are all different. You have to hunt and peck for the right type but the pricing for the three types are comparatively low, very low compared to our fine state of Wisconsin. The pump price in greater downtown Carter Lake, Iowa was $2.14 per gallon.

Getting home two days ago it was $2.44 per gallon. Whose screwing who? and who in Wisconsin is asleep at the wheel, it's 95 % of the state.

Somebody in Madison has their hands in the pockets of the petro-people, 30 cents a gallon is quite a difference? Gad, I remember when the stuff was only .30 cents a gallon. It’s no small wonder why people are walking more, using bicycles … and it’s not a fitness thing and an econ-thing.

If I had half a mind I’d write a letter to Madison but no one reads down there. They are to busy with their hands in the pockets of others as are town boards. They to have their hands in the pockets of the builders passing one condo plan after. You need a building permit for a new super duper Wal-Mart? That will be a Zillion $, please.

Ok, so I am hot under the collar. But it’s super ugly what our fine quaint little resort area has turned into… the burbs with high price octane...lite up 24/7


At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So: no credit cards, no shopping, and no driving to Whitmans?

There is nothing worse than having a Coleman who is grounded and reduced to counting bran flakes at the breakfast table.

Grounded physically, not mentally.

But fear not: I heard the babysitters are coming to town.

HO. Ho. Oh my.

At 1:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


We know that when the BABYSITTERS come to town, they paint the town red.

Could be a rough new year for you, Bud.

You may end up with a whole lot of new resolutions to make than you originally bargained for.

At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My gosh, the babysitters are arriving just in time to save Whitman's from sure ruin brought about by your absence from town and Katie the dog not being there either.

Of course with your new petro/taxation phobia you will need to find an enviromentally and financially acceptable mode of transportation.

Will be watching the Lakeland Times for late breaking news.


At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WARNING: Whatever you do, even when dire desperation mode sets in, do NOT even THINK of using any Coleman snowmobiles in the garage.

Lord, have mercy.

At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So PRanCer and BLITzen are coming to town.

Listen up, Rudy.

Now's your chance to escape!

And you get to lead the way!!

At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any chance reading the Tuesday edition of the Lakeland Times editorial letters got you so "hot and bothered"?

As you mentioned in earlier blogs, it's important to diversify your source of reading material.

At 4:02 PM, Blogger Up North said...

other quote-able sources I use are Hustler, and Mad Magazines plus Ladies Home Journal, The Onion and the National Review which I read once a year just to be in the IN.

At 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



This from the same guy who willingly passed up Victoria's Secret at the Mall! favor of a hardware parts and accessories store.

At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hustler magazine. NO.

Guns-n-ammo, Mad Magazine, and yes, Ladies Home Journal.


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