Friday, December 22, 2006

Stocking Stuffers 12/22

Ho, ho… so down the stairs I tip toed just to see what my favorite Santa had put in my stocking, around here he sometimes shows up early.

Several weeks ago a wrote to Santa to see if he could kick it up a notch. I even let Santa’s helper know that ‘wouldn’t it be nice to see something different?’

My Santa’s helper didn’t just get off the boat from Scotland but close to it. She has a thing for costs thinking it's a thing to be controlled. Here are a few things in past years that found a home in my Xmas stocking… a pen from our local bank, a windshield ices scrapper from our local Ford dealer and a calendar planner from one of the realtors in town.

I am not complaining for it’s the thought that counts. Yet it’s getting harder and harder for Santa’s helper to come up with these gems. Just like the airlines and their minature bag of peanuts cutting back on freebies is getting to be a national fobia'. Thankfully our local auto parts store is still handing out next year’s color calendar featuring dollies holding onto exhaust pipes and other miscellaneous items. I peaked and can’t wait for Miss May to appear, wooo!
Today’s thought…
"It’s very uncomfortable to be in a bath tub with an elephant."


At 8:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good lord, cut back on the eggnog. If santa brings you anything it should probably be a thorazine or a lithium drip.....

Let's see, you are complaining about wonderful gifts in the stocking (even though you use that hackneysd phase "its the thought that counts". Then you are fixated on a woman with a fetish for auto parts. THEN, you are in some type of delusional event where you believe to be in a bathtub with an elephant.....

I for one cannot wait for the holiday impact to be stricken from your daily musings.

By the way, which auto parts store?


At 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you forgot all the individual packets of crackers, jelly, sugar, salt and pepper [even the butter rolls, but hold the utensils!] that have been "snarfed"- with your willing help, too-- from all the restaurants you've been going to for fish fry all year.

Why do you think the price of fish fry has gone up?

Oh no's probably all stashed in the top left drawer in the kitchen, all about to make its appearance during hor d'ouevres at the "dis"functional Coleman gathering this weekend.

Ho, ho, AHA!



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