Friday, November 21, 2008

The other Universe

We’re here and it’s over there.
What is? The other place, not this place.
First we started with the BIG BANG, the instant when all this started.


The atoms speared out and made us what we are; simple objects holding onto a rock flying around a ball of gas called the Sun, which is a very, very small speck in this universe. That is all that’s around us or so thought our theorical Physicists.

But several other people now look at it in another way when they were told the world was created on the 'first day'. Whose First day? and what is a day?
Let’s go back a 'minute' and look at a day… what was first day and who defined time? To answer let your objective imagination flow…

Time is ticking, I can hear it on your wrist watch which is ticks off the seconds of your life. It seems a constant. There is a rhythm to it all - 60 seconds to a minute 60 of them in an hour, 24 hours in a day, 12 months to a year - All this is in a neat and pretty package. Its been that way for centuries. All quite on the western front then enter Mr. Einstein and his what‘ifs.’

But what time is it? Does it matter?
E= MC2 was solid for a century, either thing were engery or matter.
It’s got to be one or the other. It all fit into Albert's little box and did so for forty years… Then some guy comes up the a thing call plasma and I don’t mean the type in new TVs - it’s a state between matter and energy. You just can’t fool Mother Nature but you can Mr. Newton who came up with “for every action there is a posited and equal reaction”, not quite! This is very similar to the Chinese view of things, the Ying and the Yang or Thomas Edison’s positive and negative electricity.

So here we sat in one dimension, all of us and our baggage. What about them? Who you ask? Your other self of course. Say you are the positive, what about the negative you and I don’t mean the shady side of your personality? A coin has two side, isn’t it possible so does our universe and the other you is out there. He or she is asking the same question as you…. Why I am I reading this?

Some people think that Indiana in it’s self is a different universe but putting that aside try going for a long walk at midnight and look above at the nightly heavens. Couldn’t the other you be doing the same thing at the same time… on the other side of the Twilight Zone where the clock runs backwards… is this stuff to heavy for you.

Monday, November 17, 2008

JRWC jr...junior for short

He just moved into Carter Lake Iowa without a lot of fan fare. There were other distractions than his arrival. Things were a little helter skelter. An election was around the corner and an older fellow in an adjoining town, Mr. Buffet, was trying to save the financial world. What’s the big deal a few people thought of his arrival?

But who knows what is to come? Sure there are death and taxes and a few other unavoidable but the birth and arrival of young JRWC may not have seemed like earth shaking news on the coasts but here in northern Wisconsin it was a sign of good tidings. “ It’s a new Coleman boy!”

Look out world… What’s he going to be?… the 60th president, commander of the fleet, a rocket scientist, better yet- how about a good person with love in his heart and extra ordinary thoughts in his head, could be but a water skier for sure.

So like all parents, grand parents we have our new job set for us - to see that all members of our expanding families set their feet on the ground and head in the right direction… any body got a road map?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Where did my chocolate go?
I could have answered with the truth!
“I don’t know!”

That’s a very simple answer. It’s quite easy to say but hard to remember. Like when some one in your home asks… ”When did you get home last night?”
the correct answer is …. “I don’t know.”
This truthful answer will floor the person asking you.
Or when asked “ Where did you lose your car keys?” the answer is…
“I don’t know.”Same deal!
This answer “I don’t know” is the most logical, most truthful and most seldom used. How about this one…
"Mr. Blogger, How come you are such a duefuss?”
I should answer, “I don’t know,I come by it naturally."

My gift to all of you is that this answer “I don’t know.”

When used with proper voice inflection and facial mannerism it can get almost of you out of a pickle. How about in the last campaign if either of the guys fussed up….
i.e. “ Tell us what makes you think you can be commander and chief?”
Answer, Senator O’boma - “ I don’t know.”
i.e. “ Tell us how can we get out of this financial problem?”
Answer, Senator McCain -“ I don’t know.”

And there is the old saw… ‘and the truth shall make you free.’ and broke, out of chocolate and out of office.

Monday, November 03, 2008

On the road...

I just had to share this picture we took this morning.
It's the sunrise over the St. Croix River just outside Hudson Wisconsin.
Don't beleive me?
Ok, then it's the surise over Lake Minnetonka.
Then how about a back water pond ofthe Des Moines River?
Ok, I created fib and used a canned photo taken by Greg (son in law).
Got cha' again the pix was taken on a later afternoon floating down the Snake River just out of Jackson Hole...but you knew that anyway.
One or two of you know that yes I can take a digital pix but from there I am blind.

The thing is we did se the same sun this AM rising through a huge fog bank and it played us a picture in multi colors. Get the picture? See you all next Wednesday not this Wednesday... ta,ta 4 now