Monday, October 27, 2008

Over exposure

There are some things that you can just get to much of…

A third helping of desert
One too many birthdays
A quadruple bogy on the golf course
The fourth cold of the season
Another audit from the IRS
An extra week of political TV ads

Enough is enough. The ads are coming out of our ears and eye balls.

There is not too much I can do about your eating habits, nor turning back father time for Einstein proved it impossible, so is your poor golf game, impossible.

But to cure your 4th cold you could move to Aruba and to hell with the IRS.
Lastly are political ads. Those on TV you can simply purchase a TiVo, record everything and fast forward through the two clowns that are running for office.
On your phone just add caller I.D.

That’s my simple Rx for “Over Exposure”
That will be $500 for a house call,
make your check out to Doctor Blog


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