Friday, October 24, 2008

Where’s it all coming from? Oct 24
Political ad’s and who paying for them? So, here is my spin….

We have two out of a hundred Senators running for president (whose minding the store). That leave 98 rascals out their with nothing to do but collect huge paychecks and check their separately run retirement accounts. Also, there many appointments they must make, junkets to London, Hawaii and other ports of call to see how the rest of the world is getting along. Never mind the business at home,
‘I have to look busy and important so I can get re-elected.’

Meanwhile, banks officers pay themselves fat paychecks while giving away the store. And who is at fault? The president of course. I ask, who is charge, no one of course. It's the art of finger pointing.

Also back at home… the printing press run by lobbyists are running flat out printing greenbacks to pay off China for creating Wal-Mart blue light specials and paying off the exec’s at Bear Sterns, Lehman and AIG. The poor Midwest farmers are the ones who really need help for Brazil is still eating their lunch. All the while you have two guys throwing knifes at one another as the world heats up melting Al Gores Knee Cap make that Ice Caps.

But what really gets my goat the price for a J&B Scotch is through the roof which when all said and done hurts us the most. That’s was troubling me Bunkee!

So to escape I turn the TV on and there it is, the two of them once again at one another throats every ten minutes. Gad, the cash being blown on the political races and not being spend on AIDs or CF research… and then Oprah will becomes Secretary of Defense, she's got deep pockets. I need an aspin!


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