Monday, September 22, 2008

It’s been quite a year…

but it’s only ¾’s over and a Bear was shot on Wall Street (Bear Sterns) The Lehman Brothers are now a circus act, and AIG is a virus that the Feds are trying to stamp out. Grandma Greene was right, ‘ what goes up must come down’ and she wasn’t just talking about the stock market. My blood pressure which was up there is now nil... can't even a pulse.

It’s true of most every thing…
political band wagons really start rolling right at the bottom of a hill just before their crash. The Japs are going to take over the three American auto makers, well good night and good luck to them. It’s these over night wonders fixes that the big boys come up with which will lead us crashing into another wall a month or two down the road. Bandaids wash off in time.

Now we are going to allow off shore oil drilling,…that’s not bad but where will that oil be headed? China? The boys will be selling it to them for $50 while poor Exxon Mobil will be paying $100 a barrel and we we will still be shelling out $4 per gallon.

Gee, I love the politico /economical profile of this new millennia. It makes the Tea Pot Dome scandel look like a church gathering.

Milk is now way more expensive than gas, soda pop and bottled water not far behind. The cheapest thing on the shelve is beer… so let’s all burn beer in our gas tanks and chug down the road.
Bottoms up.


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