Saturday, September 20, 2008

Out of town, sorry…

Life happens. I’ve no other excuse for not posting last week. … other than a serve cold, no computer access, writer’s block, and I was hit by lightin’. Take your pick or non of the above.

We once again volunteered our services as grandparents riding point on two super active little people. Thirty some years ago it seemed a lot easier. Either the kids today are a lot faster or us gray haired people ( don’t I wish) are a lot slow.

Don’t get me wrong I love the kids and the “act” of roles we play but this grand parent thing is a lot tougher than it looks like from the outside. The man up stairs knew what He was doing by having couples have kids early rather than later. It’s either or that I’m so out of shape that I just 5 minutes ago quit walking on my ankles.

So with due respect and loving memories we slept in our bed last night and put in a sound 8 hours…
ZZZZZZ you around.


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