Monday, October 20, 2008

Dear Editor...

Why do people write you to express their dissatisfaction on views held by others? 99% of what is written can always be logically torn apart. Classes in college logic start you on a premise that maybe 180 degrees from what the student is thinking. Even members of high school debate teams are given stances on topics to support which many times go against their owns beliefs.

Take the past presidential debates. Who won Who lost? It’s like a jump ball in basketball… it really doesn’t matter till the final buzzer. 90 % of the time it’s not what is said but what color tie is worn.

Right or wrong it’s what we currently have. Our two party system grinds away at away at one another and tells us how bad it’s going to be if we vote for the other guy. It’s very seldom when a candidate will stand up and offer their structured plan of the future and how we all can get there and share in the pot at the end of the rainbow.

The only problem is the other guy who gets voted into office stays there ‘until death do us part. Almost every company/corporation has a simple test… a test wherein the human resource person assure the “management” that the applicant can think.

So why not test each elected congressperson’ as to there ability to think. The same can be said of your editorial staff at the local newspaper and TV commentator. As for presidential candidates??? I like their ties.

Signed: a malcontent reader/ listener.


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