Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I vented on the last blog…Sorry
Mother said never talk cosmetics with friends. There are some things you just don’t do in public.

1. Wear holy underwear, some one might see you as religious.
2. Kiss wife or family, it’s not mucho esp for a girlie.
3. Eat a garlic salad before going to a movie.
4. Spit on the sidewalk you may have to walk this way again, get the drift.
5. Give a stranger a handout, it would wreck your tight-wad image.
6. Handout political posters, they’ll think you’re Lee Harvy Oswald.

What it all comes down to is image, no substance. It’s what the Navy destroyers did in WW II. It’s called a smoke screen and it was a very big part of my life as ad man. If a client had a problem you put it 6 feet under and sold his pluses if there were any. So when we look at things, look at the dirty work and ask what they have hidden 6 feet under, esp do this prior to making your mark in the voting booth.

I promise this is the last blog about the election for as we both know it's about as big a waste of time as this blog. The economy is in hyper trouble and all we get from the media is comments about Mrs Obama's dress. Now is the time for the canidates to get off the stump and their sorry asses and take the lead in fixing the banking/credit problem. Where is Allan Greenspan when you need him? (Irration Exzerbrance) my eye,end of sermon.


At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can all sit back and watch the pollters make inccorrect facts of fiction for the next5 weeks. Then we can really get back to what's importmant... Christmas shopping!


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