Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Where have you been?

Rip Van Winkler here

Where have you been? that long hay? So, you can't hide under a rock but I tried and some Joe had to turn the rock over. What have you been up too people have asked, oh about 6'1" 199 lbs. is the answer.

So here we are in the land of fruit and nuts, California waiting on another transplant for a lovely daughter. The other question I was asked was.."Why did I quite blogging?" Three reasons... first, the brain ran out of fuel.... second, no one was reading this site and third I got locked out...

Lastly, my computer blew it's brains out. Poof, and it was fired and the only way that I can continue is for one or two of you let me know at you are following Rambling with Robin... ta ta 4 now