Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Knock - Knock… whose not there?

That’s just my point. This site is very small, small in readers… to get it where is it is going, or where it should be or I'll deep six it. I need your help in passing along www. So, just get a friend to log on who has half a mind as we all do and needs to waste a moment each day.
So for today… knock knock-
whose there?

It’s the return of the first Loons and I don’t mean Brownie or the Huntster.
No better than that!
Early this am the first lost Loon of the season appeared and parked it’s tired rear end in front of our cabin in the small patch of open water. It then went looking for breakfast so did I.

When I returned this pm even the golf balls that I tired to hit across the lake last week had headed to the bottom as the ice had melted during the day.

So our feathered friends are with us once again and will be "quacking" their tail feathers off all night. It’s them telling us they were here first and that we’d better suck it up and get use to their calls…. It’s smile time in the north.


At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knock knock. You're coming in loud and clear. You have your loons, and log cabin south had its annual return of the pheasants. This event is usually followed by the appearance of a huge mulch pile. So if you can dig your way out of all those chores Nancy has you doing, you can come down soon and dig us out.

At 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You made it thru another winter (unless old man winter gives you another reminder).

So then, resolved, you won't do a repeat and get out of the northwoods next winter since you're no longer a snowmobiler, ice fisherman (never), downhill skiier or bowler. "Just do it!"

At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time to walk the talk.

At 5:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No more hand-wringing. Dip into the honey-do list and get going, Bud.


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