Saturday, April 29, 2006

Thing you can’t control…..

The time on the clock… when you want to do something it seems that time crawls then flies by when you are doing it.

Your waist line…. You excerise and do all the right things and still it seems to grow. It's like the nation debit, very out of control.

Your freshly washed car…. It’s always bad timing, either the June bugs just hatched, there’s fresh oil on the road or the car in front of you just ran over a mud hole and all of these have made a mess all over your clean car.

You purchased Enron…. two weeks prior…

The price of gasoline…. You traded in your old VW for a giant gas hog SUV for you said you needed more room. Now gas is at $5,500.00 per gallon.

Lastly, I can’t control my dog or wife but let’s not go there!

Continued Monday with places that should have been avoided……………..


At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are very few things a person can control. So what's the flip side? What can you control?

By the way, the Alcoholics Anonymous' famous prayer is:
"God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change those things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference."

I think you're ready to join


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