Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Body check…. and not in hockey 4/26
They have teeth the size of an alligator. Their bite is worse than their bark. Once they set their minds to it they don’t let go. They pack a wallop. No, I’m talking about an Irishman but the about the common wood tick.

They are here again, just like April 15th and the IRS. You can count on our little pests to make their annual showing this time each year. These little fellows’ just love to drive both other members of my house holds nuts. For some reason they love the Mrs and our Springer…. and for some unknown reason they avoid this old hulk, could be the thick skin and you can’t get blood out of a rock.

After a long winter it sure nice to take a walk through the woods watch the new lime green leaves burst forth. Even our lazy our Springer waits by the door with the leach in her mouth begging for a walk. What can you say to her, No?
So, off we walk the three of us. The fresh spring air really awakens you. Below under foot the ferns are just starting to show through last year’s leaf cover. While high above our heads in the trees our ‘little friends are setting their sights on targets below then sky driving on the prey, Rosebud and Katie the dog.

Standard operating procedures are the followed after taking a walk in the woods. A complete body check occurs in our household. Now let’s not get racy here but a body check is a must… around fifteen years ago a new breed of tick found its way north, a deer tick and which carried Lymes. One good bite from it can turn a person world up side down for a long time….

These little sob’s are hardy visible, a lot smaller than the common tick. They once did a job on Rosebud causing her a lot of pain for one whole summer. So these little mice that roar can pack a sorry punch… careful where you walk.


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