Thursday, April 13, 2006

Another nature happening…
it’s the Honkers…

The massive V was thousands of feet in the air. The sky was clear and you could almost make out each bird as it winged it’s way northward. At such distance you could barely hear the calls between the birds. They were repositioning themselves with another bird taking the lead. and the lead bird falling back taking a rest somewhat like NASCAR.

Over a period of 5 days the majority of the Canadian Geese will pass overheaded flying to their spring nesting grounds far into Canada. Our place is located near one of the first bodies of water that opens up from winter ice allowing the birds to land and rest. It’s one of the beautiful things about nature’s calendar as is the first Robin of spring. Even our flowerbed is showing positive signs. Gad, my blood is following, all this spring stuff almost makes me want to do push ups.

All these spring signs means I must prepare our place as well. First is to get up the deer netting before they trash the flowerbeds. Next is to take down the bird feeder so that our friendly bruin doesn’t make mice meat out of it again. Then we must get our Springer dog to the groomers before the wood ticks take over and carry her away.

Add in another two weeks of manual labor putting the docs and boats in the lake and just maybe… I’ll be ready for the fishing opener, oh ya, I got to renew my license. And one last thing… I must say a thank you to the man upstairs that the hundreds of Canadian hookers don’t spend an overnight in our front yard.

As I said those big birds are a thing of beauty at a distance as is my kisser.


At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we all must watch where we step in anyone's yard

At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Birch Bark: It might be honking geese that fly over at 1 am that keep you awake, but it's those blasted frogs out there doing their mating calls that keep me up all night "croak, croak"

At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Birch Bark: It might be honking geese that fly over at 1 am that keep you awake, but it's those blasted frogs out there doing their mating calls that keep me up all night "croak, croak"

At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it was a purple thumper that kept him awake.

At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... let me think... you left for Wichita on Wednesday... Geese flying north... frogs croaking south... thumper prupling in Fairfield.... boxes arrive in Ecuador,,, and the Queen begins teacking kick boxing!! What a stwwaannge interwesting world we weave for ourselves. Thank God we are all old Bats instead of old Nuts

At 4:17 PM, Blogger Up North said...

Some of my blogs are pre-recorded to share with you at a post dated time.... so may I be the first tyo wish you a happy 4th of july!


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