Monday, April 24, 2006

Let's spread things out...

Happens each year. Spring hits and the pace of life picks up. During the winter everyone is looking for one excuse to get out there and do something, anything.
Something away from the normal and any excuse will do, " Oh, geee we are out of milk, I’ll make the run." " Gad, the car’s gas tank is on 3/4s, I ‘d better run to town and fill it." Of course the run to town and back burns ¼ tank but who cares at $450 a gallon. Pardon me I forgot the "." between the 4.50....
plus, where I was headed with this?

Oh ya, it a the server lack of winter activities, then the amazing change over to a full dance card of spring and summer events. The phone rings and you are offered an invitation at attend a this or that and it sounds great, free drinks and poo poos. Then it hits you, party fever. And you tell the your host on the other end that you’ll have to check your social calendar first before accepting their invite.

Their invitation was for Memorial Day weekend. You then dash to your calendar and see that the weekend is packed. Literally not one moment is open for free drinks and poo poos. You already have three parties out there plus it’s work week end getting the joint ready for summer fun, docks to put in, out side furniture to clean. And on top it all there’s you have a part time job at the golf course. You also have invited houseguest or two for the weekend. Back to the phone and you call in your regrets, no free poo poos.

Then in a flash it’s November and you wait by the phone, you wait and wait and no calls, you are now once again a social derelict.


At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simple solutions.

1) Out of milk, expensive gasoline:
a) Drink lake water
b) Get a cow
c) Have a beer

2) Party fever:
a) Take two beers and call me in the morning
b) Take two beers and call the bee gees
c) Take two beers

3) No time for free drinks and poo poos:
a) Take two beers and two bowls of raisin bran - you'll find time. oh, that's not what you meant when you said poo poos?
b) Take a rain check - on work week. If you are enjoying free drinks and poo poos it will wait until a non holiday
c) Have invited house guest do work week and work at golf course. go for free drinks and poo poos.


At 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tsk, tsk. No more whining! Follow big bro's advice. Get out of Dodge in November.


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